
Saturday 9 August 2014

BUNAC Work America Diaries; To the Vineyard!

12th of June

Waking up early in room 314 with a bit of a sore head, i realised i had made a stupid mistake. After purchasing a padlock for the locker in the hostel room to keep all my important things safe, i had managed to come in the night before and thinking i was being clever, locked everything inside the locker to make sure no-one tried to steal anything.

However, this included my purse, phone, key card for the room, money and finally, the key for the padlock. All locked inside the giant locker.


Had to trek downstairs with my shame face on, and beg the hostel staff to break open my padlock (what a waste of $5 that was...) and within a minute of the staff opening my locker for me, I realised I had actually been quite clever and put the spare key for the padlock on top of the plug socket above my bed, and therefore the whole episode had been a pointless one.

Anyway, packed up my things and caught the 1 tube down town to Times square and became a proper tourist, taking pictures of all the bright lights and NYPD mounted police men, and made my way to port Authority bus terminal where I was able to sit down with my Chinese noodles in hand and wait for my Peter Pan bus to Woodshole.

Approximately 5 hours later, I was arriving at the small port of Woodshole which would take me on the Ferry to Martha's Vineyard. Having survived up to this point on my solo travels, i was excited to get to the place i would call home for the next three months. My pick up from my future Boss, Bonnie, on the other side was arranged, so I heaved my suitcase onto the ferry, and i was away. 45 minutes of cloudy skylines, backlit by the setting sun, I was so close to my final destination, only a mere 3,165miles from my British home as the crow flies..

Due to the island not yet being in the full swing of summer tourist mode, the ferry and Vineyard Haven was quiet, and I was easily recognised by Bonnie, who then took me on a quick car drive around the Island, showing me the main towns and finally to the house I would be living in for the next three months.

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